Zesty Kumquat Magic


Kumquats are a type of small orange plant known for their abundance of vitamins and fruit acid substances.

These tiny fruits offer a range of health benefits and can have a positive impact on digestion, cardiovascular health, and skin appearance. One popular way to enjoy the goodness of kumquats is by incorporating them into a delicious and refreshing beverage called kumquat lemon tea.

Let's explore the effectiveness of kumquat lemon tea and the advantages of consuming kumquats.

First and foremost, kumquat lemon tea has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels and aid in fat elimination. It helps promote the breakdown of sugar, converting any excess into calories and improving the overall balance of fat in the body.

Moreover, this delightful tea has been found to assist in lowering blood pressure by enhancing blood flow and microcirculation through the dilation of capillaries. By improving cardiovascular health, kumquat lemon tea contributes to the maintenance of healthy blood pressure levels.

In addition to its cardiovascular benefits, kumquat lemon tea possesses expectorant properties that can effectively alleviate coughs and dissolve phlegm. Kumquats have a soothing effect on the throat, aiding in the healing of local inflammation and relieving itchiness, thereby reducing the urge to cough.

Another advantage of consuming kumquat lemon tea is its thirst-quenching properties. The tea helps moisturize the throat and alleviate dryness, resulting in a refreshing and comfortable sensation. It is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing symptoms such as dry mouth, dry eyes, overthinking, lack of sleep, or excessive talking.


Notably, the peel of kumquats holds a significant amount of vitamin C, accounting for 80% of the fruit's total vitamin C content. This vitamin is essential for liver detoxification, maintaining eye health, and bolstering the immune system. Surprisingly, the peel of kumquats is sweeter than the flesh, making it an even more enjoyable and nutritious part of the fruit.

Kumquats possess a unique characteristic—they are meant to be eaten whole, including the peel and flesh. When you chew on a kumquat, you will experience a moist throat and a burst of delightful fragrance in your mouth.

The high concentration of vitamin C in the peel, reaching up to 200 mg per 100 grams, makes kumquats an excellent source of this essential nutrient. Apart from consuming them fresh, kumquats can be used to make tea, and they can be processed into various delicious treats such as white sugar kumquat cake, licorice kumquat cake, jam, and kumquat juice.

Additionally, the fruit's peel can be extracted to create aromatic oils, further adding to its value.

To maximize the benefits of consuming fruits, it is recommended to eat them approximately half an hour before meals. This timing allows the fruit to be efficiently absorbed through the small intestine.

In contrast, consuming fruit after meals may lead to a prolonged stay in the stomach, which can negatively affect digestion and potentially contribute to stomach-related issues.

Incorporating small kumquats and kumquat lemon tea into your diet can provide a range of advantages. From promoting digestion and cardiovascular health to enhancing skin appearance and overall well-being, these citrus delights offer a natural and delicious way to boost your health.

So why not indulge in the tangy and invigorating flavors of kumquats and enjoy the numerous benefits they have to offer?