Aurora Awakens


Aurora, a spectacular electrical discharge encircling the Earth, enchants sky gazers with its ethereal beauty. Known as the Southern Lights at the South Pole and the Northern Lights at the North Pole, this mesmerizing display of light graces the nocturnal sky near the Earth's polar regions.

The best time to witness the aurora in the northern hemisphere is between September 21 and March 21. Optimal viewing hours fall within the window of 8:00 PM to 1:00 AM. However, one crucial factor to consider when preparing to observe the aurora is the weather.

A clear, sunny day is essential for visibility, as the aurora can only be observed under cloudless skies. Moreover, escaping the light pollution of urban areas is crucial to experience the perfect aurora. The ideal setting for observation lies in the serenity of complete darkness.

Several conditions contribute to an ideal aurora viewing experience. Firstly, the suitable season in Iceland extends from late August to mid-April, offering ample opportunities to witness this celestial spectacle.

Secondly, a dark sky provides the perfect backdrop for the brilliance of the aurora. Consequently, longer winter nights increase the chances of encountering this phenomenon.

Thirdly, a clear sky is crucial, as auroras occur high above the clouds, rendering them invisible when cloud-covered.

Fourthly, minimizing light pollution enhances the observation of the aurora. Thus, venturing far from city lights to a secluded location yields the best results.

Finally, the intensity of the aurora is directly linked to the intensity of the solar wind.

To embark on an aurora-chasing adventure, careful travel planning is essential. Here are some recommended countries for witnessing the aurora in all its glory:


Situated near the Arctic Circle in North America, Fairbanks offers an exceptional opportunity to witness the aurora.


With more than 200 nights per year showcasing this natural wonder, it has become a popular destination for avid aurora enthusiasts. The city's unique proximity to the Arctic Circle creates phenomena like eternal day and eternal night, adding to its allure.


Located in close proximity to the Arctic Circle, Iceland is a favored destination for aurora enthusiasts. Its breathtaking natural landscapes and vast dark night skies provide an excellent environment for observing the aurora.

Additionally, Iceland boasts numerous hot springs and unique geographical features that complement the aurora-viewing experience, making it an unforgettable adventure.


The northern regions of Sweden, particularly Abisko and Kiruna, offer ideal locations for aurora observation. Situated within the Arctic Circle, these areas boast clear skies and expansive natural vistas, providing optimal conditions for viewing the aurora.

Sweden's snow hotels and a wide array of winter activities further enhance the aurora-chasing journey, making it a vibrant and multifaceted experience.


The Tromso region in Norway is widely recognized as the "Capital of Aurora Sightseeing." Nestled within the Arctic Circle, this city offers excellent observation conditions and abundant tourist facilities.

In Tromso, visitors can partake in various aurora tours, including dog sledding and snowmobiling, combining the thrill of winter activities with the pursuit of the aurora.

The aurora is a celestial marvel that captivates observers with its enchanting glow. Planning a trip to witness this awe-inspiring phenomenon requires careful consideration of optimal viewing times, weather conditions, and locations.

Whether visiting Fairbanks, Iceland, Sweden, or Norway, each destination provides unique opportunities to experience the aurora's breathtaking dance across the night sky. So, prepare your travel strategy, embrace the darkness, and embark on a journey to witness nature's captivating light show.