9 Amazing Benefits of Eating Two Bananas Every Day


Health gurus have a love-hate relationship with the curved yellow fruit. Some warn against eating too many while others say they’re good for you. Pretty confusing. We were curious to find out what really happens when you eat two bananas a day—the result is pretty nice!

Of course, a banana is rich in sugar and some (e.g., diabetics) have to be careful when eating it. If you exercise and eat mostly healthy foods, then you can expect the following to happen if you start eating two bananas a day.

1. You'll increase your energy level.


The carbohydrates in bananas will give you more energy because the energy is absorbed slowly over time. In contrast, snacks sweetened with granulated sugar will give you an initial burst of energy, but one that quickly wears off.

2. Your muscles won’t cramp as often.

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with muscle cramps? You can try to stop this from happening by eating bananas. They contain high levels of potassium, which ensures that your muscles will not contract as quickly.

3.You'll improve your gut health.

Do you often suffer from heartburn? Then the banana is your best friend. When eaten at the onset of heartburn, a banana will provide immediate relief by neutralizing the acid in your stomach.An unhealthy gut can lead to various issues throughout the body, so working on your microbiome should be a top priority. Consuming bananas could be a great way to improve your gut health.


4.You’ll have improved bowel movements

Do you ever have a difficult time going number two? Then eat a banana. Since bananas are rich in fiber, eating them regularly can make it easier to do the doo.

5.It counteracts anemia

Do you have an iron deficiency? You can remedy this by eating bananas. Bananas are rich in iron and promote an increase in red blood cells.

6.You'll feel less depressed.

Did you ever think that your morning banana could be the reason for your happy mood? Well, it turns out it can be. Once ingested, the tryptophan in bananas converts directly into serotonin in the body. So, it's the serotonin that could be making you feel less depressed, and thus, boost your mood and make you feel happier.

7.You'll increase your potassium intake, which supports heart health.

The main function of potassium in the body is to regulate muscle movement, and the most important muscle in your whole body is your heart. Since most people do not consume enough potassium in their daily diet, eating a banana a day can be essential to regulating blood pressure and other aspects of heart health. Plus, a study from Healthline revealed that a potassium-rich diet—one that involves lots of bananas—can lower your risk of heart disease by 27%. That's definitely a sign to add bananas into your diet, if they're not in it already.

8.You can improve your skin.

We're constantly looking for new ways to improve our skin health, and apparently, it could start and end with bananas. The vitamins and minerals in bananas, particularly the manganese, work to boost collagen levels and thus repair your skin. Everything from acne to wrinkles to dry skin can start to clear as soon as you finish your banana. It's that easy.

9.You can lower your risk of kidney cancer.


Kidney cancer is serious, so you want to do everything you can day-to-day to lower your risk of being diagnosed. Due to the high levels of antioxidant phenolic compounds found in bananas, our favorite yellow fruit can help you lower your risk just by eating them. According to a Swedish study, women who ate four to six bananas a week were able to cut their risk of developing kidney cancer in half. That's definitely a reason to add bananas to your grocery list.