These 45 Innovative Uses For Vaseline Prove It’s Not Just For Skin!


Your Vaseline pot in your bathroom has other uses than hydrating your lips or your dry skin. From simple health use to extreme tricks, the traditional Vaseline ($4) is a multipurpose product that has a lot of uses. There are so many incredible everyday functions that you can simplify with Vaseline, and it will make your life that much easier. You will not believe how many different things there are to do with Vaseline. We wrap up 45 tricks that you must try.

1. Easily Sliding Refrigerator Drawers

There are few things more frustrating than being hungry and not being able to get any food out of a sticking fridge drawer. Thankfully, a bit of Vaseline will have you munching in no time!


Easily Sliding Refrigerator Drawers

All the stiff and uncooperative drawer needs is a light lather of Vaseline paste around the exterior sides of the drawer in the place where the sliding tracks are. Now that the right lubrication has been applied, enjoy uninterrupted refrigerator access.

2. Reversing the Chapping

Colds are a real nuisance, but they can become seriously painful when chapping begins to set in. This will result in painful and often bloody broken skin in the most sensitive parts of your face. Vaseline can bring much relief to the affected area, but it will also enable healing, making sure that your skin enjoys the needed moisture to avoid more chapping occurring.

Reversing The Chapping

As if the common cold wasn’t horrid enough to deal with already, your nose often starts to chap after too much tissue usage grating the soft skin.

3. Concealing Split Ends Successfully

Use Vaseline as a temporary way to control and conceal split ends by smothering the uncooperative areas with a bit of the jelly. When you get a break, however, you should probably call up your friend or professional for proper treatment!

On Hair Collection March 2018

While you may not have time or an opportunity to do so any time soon, you luckily have Vaseline by your side, which will make your bad hair day woes all the more manageable.

4. Exfoliation Implementation

A bit of physical exfoliating goes a long way towards maintaining gentle and moisture-brimming skin. You can create a nifty body scrub by combining some sea salt, or sugar, and Vaseline. It is time to take your skin to the next level of clean beauty and comfort.

Exfoliation Implementation

Collect some of your balms with a free hand and begin slathering it onto your damp body while maintaining a circular direction. Once you are satisfied, clean the paste off with water and soap before applying the necessary volume of lotion.

5. Pet Paw Power

Animal paws, like human feet, can suffer from dryness and cracking as well. Check your pet’s paws for pad dryness. All animals need their paws or hands taken care of nicely, not just humans!

Pet Paw Power

If you find that the doggy skin there has broken from dryness, your beloved pooch or feline will appreciate some Vaseline application. If you find they can’t help licking the stuff off, put them in a recovery collar for a while.

6. Reigning in Uncooperative Eyebrows

Are you suffering from hair raising eyebrows? Tame them with just a dab of Vaseline, which will not only restrain them but add a new shine and sleekness to the furry eye protectors.

Reigning In Uncooperative Eyebrows

It is incredible how Vaseline can take care of so much of our skin and beauty issues. We will never stop recommending the special stuff for a whole range of beauty uses. That his how much you can get out of the inexpensive petroleum jelly.

7. Furniture Restoral

Unbalanced moisture levels in furniture can often lead to ugly scuffs and stains forming. You’d never guess that Vaseline is actually a fantastic spot remover. All it takes is a full day’s worth of treatment following application.

Furniture Restoral

Simply leave the Vaseline on the affected areas for around 24 hours and then wipe away whatever is left. Would you believe that Vaseline can do as good a job as any carpenter when it comes to little jobs like these?

8. Avoiding Dye Residue

You only ever want your hair to be dyed, not your face. You can protect the skin there by lathering a protecting layer across your hairline. This will ensure that your particularly messy friend doesn’t splatter your face with the chemicals. No one wants to have to sit for hours scrubbing away at a purple horror on their faces. You do not want to look like Grimace, after all. Keep your skin pure and clean with Vaseline.

Avoiding Dye Residue

You may even find that you suffer a rash if the hair dye gets in places that it should not be.

9. Completely Kissable Lips

To make sure that your lips are always in tiptop softness, lather a generous amount of Vaseline on and leave it for several minutes. Now you can wash it off with a gentle toothbrush and plenty of water. Forget about all those expensive balms and sticky glossy products. Vaseline can do everything that they do for your lips much better, without chemicals or the nasty smell and residue. Just make sure to clean your face nicely in any case.

Completely Kissable Lips

No matter how dry or wrinkly your lips are, Vaseline will return them to smooch-friendly vitality.

10. Chewing Gum Crises Resolved

It happens to all of us (especially the younger ones), chewing gum getting stuck in the hair. Whether young or old, this can be a painful and scary moment. You really don’t need to chop a clump of your hair out, however, when you can simply lather the pesky piece with some Vaseline. Make sure to apply a liberal amount and massage it into the affected area properly. You will now find that the gum will stop resisting and start sliding off, pain-free! Vaseline is also perfect for removing a collection of sticky substances.

Chewing Gum Crises Resolved

Rather than chopping a huge clump of hair out of your head, make the most out of your hair-saving products!

11. Popping a Ring Off

This is one of the most classic uses for Vaseline: unsticking a ring from a finger. We just can’t help testing whether obviously too small rings will fit nicely. You need not have to wear it for eternity, however, as the right lubrication will slide the jewelry off in no time. Instead of yanking on your finger so hard that you squeak, you should do your best to lubricate your finger with the right stuff.

Popping A Ring Off

Diamonds may be forever, but they are not worth your pain.

12. Keeping Squirrels Grounded

The food you buy for birds in your garden feeder often gets claimed by conniving squirrels. You can keep them from climbing in uninvited by slathering your bird feeder’s entrance with Vaseline. The critters will now be unable to grip onto the little ledge. Make sure that these cute but annoying little fellows comically slide down the pole no matter how much progress they seem to be making! There are plenty of other animals that won’t be able to climb your bird feeder either.

Keeping Squirrels Grounded

Do not worry about your little bird friends, as they can easily pop into the bird feeder undeterred.

13. The Night of Skin Healing

A powerful Vaseline skin application is a very simple and speedy way to restore body parts suffering from cracking or dehydration. Lather Vaseline onto the affected areas prior to jumping into bed. The following morning, you will awaken to rehydrated, smooth skin.

The Night Of Skin Healing

We wish that we could watch a time-lapse of this goodness unfolding, but unfortunately, we do not have that kind of budget or dedication. You will just need to believe us with this one, as it is an assured foot remedy that works for most.

14. Uncooperative Shower Curtains

There are few things more annoying than being unable to get into the shower because the curtain is sticking. Lubricating the curtain rail with Vaseline will resume normal shower operation, just make sure to swish the curtain back and forth several times.

Uncooperative Shower Curtains

There are so many different ways to get your bathroom in order, but this has to be one of the easiest and most convenient ones. You will not go wrong when your shower curtain can slip and slide along with ease.

15. Spruce up your Hair

Hot weather or a natural lack of oil will cause your hair to dry up and begin frizzing. To return your hair to bouncy, glossy goodness, apply a small portion of Vaseline around the highest layer of your locks.

Spruce Up Your Hair

The rebellious hairs will now fall in line, along with a newfound gloss you didn’t know was possible! Keep your hair tame and in place like a film star on the red carpet. It really does not take that much work!

16. Keep the Jack-o’-Lantern Burning!

Are you ready to take your spooky efforts to the next level? This is a really fun use for Vaseline. When Halloween comes around, try coating the inside of your spooky pumpkin carving to extend their display life, easily allowing them to last days leading up to the terrifying night.

Keep The Jack Lantern Burning

What better way to keep the spirit of Halloween burning bright for the whole night than with this hack? You will not believe how effective this trick is when your neighbors wonder if your home is haunted or not!

17. Extending Perfume Scents

You can get the most out of your favorite scents by applying some petroleum jelly onto the designated pulse points prior to spraying. This will prolong that beautiful smell’s effects.

Extending Perfume Scents

While you might think that Vaseline would create a barrier between the spray and your skin, it actually absorbs it better than your dry skin would. This then allows as much of the perfume to be held safely in your skin without being wasted. Basically, you are getting more bang for your buck!

18. Safely Unsticking Fake Lashes

The party is over, but your fake eyelashes are stubbornly hanging on. If you apply some petroleum jelly to your lash line, you’ll find that they come off without tearing anything natural out.

Safely Unsticking Fake Lashes

No look is worth losing eyelashes over, even if you were a sensation that night. You will want to make sure that you use as little force as possible with this hack, as unnecessary strength might damage your lashes regardless of whether you put Vaseline on or not.

19. Manicured Perfection

Coat your fingernails with some petroleum jelly prior to applying nail polish. The Vaseline will contain the nail polish from spilling out onto your fingers. This is a difficult to clean mess that could delay you before your big date!

Manicured Perfection

Even if you consider yourself to be something of a beautician, you can always use some help. Ruining your otherwise perfect manicure with an unsteady hand is no way to start the day or evening off.

20. Bringing your Legs to Life

Combine petroleum jelly with your preferred liquid bronzer and then lather your legs up to make them gloss like never before. This will also ease the harmful effects of sunshine related discomfort or burns over time.

Bringing Your Legs To Life

Look at how fabulous your legs are now that you have used our advice! You can bet that those Instagram snaps that just happen to have your legs in the way are going to look so much better now!

21. Full, Healthy Lashes

When it comes to lash lusciousness, why not try petroleum jelly instead of your usual commercial products? Dab a bit of the jelly to your lash line to bring out their body and shimmer.

Full Healthy Lashes

To get that thick and deep-colored, striking lash length and volume without having to go through the troubles of mascara or fake lashes, use Vaseline instead. Not only will it be easier to clean off when the party ends, you will also be doing something good for your lashes.

22. Easily Opened Nail Polish

You don’t have to exert any force when trying to unstick your nail polish bottle if you line the lid with petroleum jelly.

Easily Opened Nail Polish

Why should you waste your time and energy with uncooperative nail polish bottles? This disgusting and annoying mess is easily avoided when you use some Vaseline on the nozzle of the bottle. It only takes a few seconds to do and you will thank yourself when the lid unscrews delightfully rather than irritatingly.

23. Painless Earring Replacement

No one enjoys replacing earrings once the hole has healed a bit from lack of use. Lubricate your earlobes with Vaseline prior to wearing them for a painless and smooth insertion. Obviously, we don’t mean piercing a new hole in your ears, just one that hasn’t been used for a while and could do with a helpful lubricant.

Painless Earring Replacement

Only a masochist would stab their ear open again with the spiky part of an earring! If you coat both sides of your earlobes with Vaseline, you will have a much smoother experience.

24. Concealed Split Ends

If you don’t have the time to visit the hairdresser for a split end treatment, you can smoothen together these pesky trimmings by lathering them with a bit of petroleum jelly.

Concealed Split Ends

This should not be a permanent fix, however, as we still recommend that you get the proper professional treatment needed to get rid of split ends. Still, no one will be able to notice the difference when you use Vaseline. It is amazing being able to hide your uncooperative hairs like this!

25. A Handy Lip Balm

If you’re a fan of Kool-Aid, you might want to try mixing a red-colored flavor sachet with one tablespoon of petroleum jelly. Now rub the mixture onto your lips and observe the sleek, vigorous shine!

A Handy Lip Balm

We promise that this does not look as childish as you might think! Everyone will think that you are wearing a designer brand. That is how convincing this simple mixture is, and it costs as much as a couple of Kool-Aid sachets!

26. Dye your Hair, not your Face

Next time it’s time to dye your hair back to your preferred color, make sure to defend your hairline and ears by lathering on some petroleum jelly. This will protect your skin from dye, even if some happens to splash onto it.

Dye Your Hair Not Your Face


As you can see from the picture above, this poor lady got more than she bargained for when she tried to dye her hair. She will now need to spend a long time scrubbing her head until these thick stains are removed from her brow. If only she had followed our advice before she dyed her hair…

27. Fabulous Cheeks and Eyelids

Applying a portion of petroleum jelly to your face is an inexpensive method for achieving that gleaming style, provided that your highlighter has run out. Apply a bit to your eyelids, cheekbones, and forehead.

Fabulous Cheeks And Eyelids

It does not matter what your skin tone is, this treatment will make your skin stand out incredibly. This look is perfect for those who believe that their skin is looking a bit flat and needs some perking up. It’s time to make your face glow like it deserves to!

28. A Pleasant Time in the Loo

Hemorrhoids are truly unpleasant to suffer through, at least without the right care. Your backside will benefit greatly from some Vaseline attention. You can do this by rubbing some petroleum jelly around your derriere. You are now effectively lubricating the passing of stools for a healthier and resistance-free time in the toilet. While Vaseline is not an effective treatment for hemorrhoids, and you may still experience some pain, you are guaranteed an easier effort when nature calls.

Public Toilets

This does not need to be a grizzly experience!

29. A Healing Balm

Wounds and burns are nasty, but they need not remain on your skin as scars. Once healed enough, apply some petroleum jelly to the injuries to speed up their healing and hide the fact that you were ever hurt in the first place.

A Healing Balm

Unless you like how your scar looks, and want to keep it as a reminder of how precious life is (or how tough you are), you will definitely want to let it fade away into your skin.

30. Beating Self-Tanning Inconsistencies

Avoid self-tanning patches by applying some petroleum jelly onto your knees, elbows and throughout your wrists and ankles prior to the treatment to make sure that dehydrated skin does not cause inconsistencies.

Beating Self Tanning Inconsistencies

These drier parts of your skin will often not tan as quickly as the more moisturized parts of your body. This is where Vaseline comes in, as it will allow a level and consistent tanning process. This will also be a safe tanning product that will not cause burns.

31. Stain Busting

Using a wet cloth, petroleum jelly will remove makeup stains out of bedding and clothing. Whether you enjoy eating in bed, or find that your lipstick often manages to get away from you, Vaseline will take care of most of your stain-related woes

Stain Busting

Simply rub a bit of petroleum jelly into the stain and then let it soak in for a few seconds. Next, rinse the spot out with water under a tap and then leave to dry. You will not believe how clean the stainless piece will be!

32. Maintaining Shaver Quality

Shaving razorblades have a habit of rusting, which can be avoided if you consistently apply a bit of petroleum jelly to the hygiene tools after every shave. You can now enjoy a prolonged usage of the otherwise expensive products.

Maintaining Shaver Quality

We all know how irritatingly expensive it is to have to replace shavers time and time again. We could all save a lot more money if we simply took care of our hygiene products. You obviously do not want to depend on disposable razors, either.

33. DVD and CD Repair

Your favorite movies and albums don’t need to be trashed if they become too scratched. You can instead buff out the damages by applying a bit of petroleum jelly to the scratched areas and then wiping them carefully with a smooth cloth or proper CD cleaning material.

DVD And CD Repair

There are so many precious home videos, classic films, and other types of documents that you will want to preserve over time. We would really hate it if you had to say goodbye to such sentimental files forever.

34. Moisturizing and Night Cream Goodness

Contrary to popular belief, Vaseline does not cause pimples or blocked pores. Many people wrongly think that smothering their faces with the substance will lead to stuck pores and unwanted visitors to their faces. Petroleum jelly is non-comedogenic, which means that its place as a moisturizer for the face is secure. We wouldn’t suggest doing this daily though as your pores need to breathe and the skin needs to rejuvenate its natural oils too.

Moisturizing And Night Cream Goodness

Your skin can easily look as gorgeous as the woman above’s!

35. Protect your Teeth from Lipstick

Lipstick is one of the most common and attractive types of makeup, but no one wants to be seen with red or pink flecks on their pearls. By applying the tiniest dab of Vaseline on your front teeth, they will be guarded against lipstick buildup.

Protect Your Teeth From Lipstick

Smiling confidently like the woman in the picture above is, without realizing that you look like a cannibal, is every woman’s nightmare. Especially if this happens during a date or work meeting.

36. No More Shower-Time Tears

If you struggle to keep stinging shampoo out of your eyes, you may want to try rubbing some petroleum jelly on top of your eyebrows. This will form a moat around your eyes, allowing shampoo-filled water to be diverted away from these sensitive areas.

No More Shower Time Tears

Ouch! Few things sting more than getting shampoo in your sensitive eyes. Rather than replacing your usual hair product with baby shampoo, why not follow our advice and take care of your potential shower disasters?

37. Elbows, Gentle to the Touch

These often-scratchy corners of our arms will benefit magnificently from a bit of daily Vaseline rubbing. Just make sure that you aren’t wearing a long-sleeved top when doing so to avoid staining.

Elbows Gentle To The Touch

You might have the ideal skincare routine, with all manner of products, and still find that your elbows are rough. It is time to go back to basics with the introduction of the classic petroleum jelly care. You will love running your hands up and down your arms now.

38. Car Battery Care

Amazingly, your car battery quality and life can be maintained in a few easy steps with Vaseline. Start by disconnecting the battery terminals before scrubbing them nicely with steel wool. Put the terminals back in place now and lather them with petroleum jelly in order to protect them from the weather’s effects, repelling corrosion for the foreseeable future.

Car Battery Care

This is a safe, convenient, and cheap way to take care of the most vital part of any car. Take charge of your car’s engine care and forget about the pros (until some other problem crops up).

39. Keeping Windows in Prime Condition

Painting isn’t everyone’s forte, and lining window frames through protective tape is a chore. Rather than using tape, try lathering the edges of your windows with petroleum jelly. This will ensure that any rogue paint splotches can be conveniently cleaned off.

Keeping Windows In Prime Condition

DIY jobs are tiring and involving enough without having to spend another thirty minutes after you have finished painting on your hands and knees trying to clean up the stray paint splotches. There are few things that will dampen the feeling of a job well done.

40. A Waxy Solution

Candles are a lovely but messy decoration for the home. You can remove the spilled and hardened wax by coating the surrounding mess with petroleum jelly for easier removal with a damp cloth.

A Waxy Solution

If Valentine’s Day is coming up at the time that you read this article then this hack is going to be essential if you plan on setting the mood with a couple of dozen candles lit all around the place. Nothing kills romance like a long cleaning session!

41. Easy Car Door Opening

If you have a vehicle that isn’t frequently used, you might find that its doors take force to pry open. Simply lather the rubber seals of your car doors with Vaseline to ensure a smooth and easy opening and closing. This application can also be used for refrigerator doors.

Easy Car Door Opening

Remember that the more force that you use to pry open a stuck door, the more you are damaging your door and its hinges. You really should lubricate uncooperative doors if you do not want to have to pay for their replacement!

42. A Solution to Tricky Fire-Starting

The outdoorsy types will love this one. Of course, Vaseline is not inherently flammable and completely safe, but it can act as a brilliant lubricant. Start by dipping a cotton ball in petroleum jelly. Now, light the cotton ball and observe as the Vaseline acts in the same way that candle wax does, acting as a wicking agent. Once heated, the gas will ignite in a manageable and harmless manner (the petroleum will not burn).

A Solution To Tricky Fire Starting

This flaming cotton ball will now burn for quite some time as the petroleum jelly will slow its progress. Now you can add that to some firewood and scraps, to help get the fire going.

43. A Remedy for Blisters

Breaking into new shoes is a common part of life. Unfortunately, so are the ensuing blisters. You really do need to carry around a small tub of Vaseline if you’re committed to pulling off that new look.

A Remedy For Blisters

Rather than suffering from each step, rub some Vaseline onto your blisters to make sure that they don’t worsen before you kick off your shoes for a satisfying relief. There is no need for this small injury to become an incredibly painful and raw one.

44. Avoiding Irritating Patchiness from Bottled Tan

Bottled tan products are a fantastic way to cheat the sun, but their results can look very strange when you come out looking patchy. To ensure that your treatment looks completely natural and consistent, make sure to smother the dryer patches of skin on your body with Vaseline. These include hands, ankles, elbows and feet. You can now step out in confidence, looking like you spent a few weeks on a tropical island!

Spring Weather June 2nd 2019

An evenly blended tan will put your summer fears to rest.

45. Restoring Leather Products

Petroleum jelly works as a fantastic and affordable leather polish. Whether your leather shoes need buffing prior to a big meeting, or your baseball glove could use some love, lathering the substance onto your leather items before rubbing it off will return the sparkle to your leather goods.

Restoring Leather Products

Your expensive leather shoes are what give you that extra confidence boost when you step into the workplace or for an interview for your dream position. Look after them, and they will take care of your boldness in return.

46.How To Make Your Kids Some Safe And Mess-Free Slime

Those who have ever been stuck indoors with a bunch of squabbling kids on a rainy day will tell you that it is very hard to keep them distracted. You might not expect something like Vaseline to be the answer to their boredom woes. One can use the greasy stuff to create a super fun batch of safe and mess-free slime!

How To Make Your Kids Some Safe And Mess Free Slime

This is a straightforward process, all that is needed is to combine Vaseline, water, activator and liquid glue. Then, you simply stir the concoction until it begins to thicken. Finally, add in your preferred food coloring, and voila!

47.Dealing With An Itchy Scalp Without Scratching Yourself Raw

Scalps are prone to itchiness, that is a given. You might be suffering from a mild case of dandruff, or an irritating skin condition which has dehydrated your head’s skin. Could be something so simple as not washing out the shampoo properly in the shower. In any case, lathering in some Vaseline will fix your itchy irritations in no time. Just rub the good stuff into the affected parts of your scalp and then lather in properly. Now, say goodbye to any shred of itching or burning.

Dealing With An Itchy Scalp Without Scratching Yourself Raw

Enjoy instant relief from something so affordable, rather than buying expensive hair products.

48.Keep Small Cuts And Injuries Clean And Bacteria-Free

Vaseline was created when someone made the most of oil-drilling byproducts. Robert Augustus Chesebrough, an ingenious English chemist, discovered in 1859 that petroleum jelly will heal human skin fantastically. When he witnessed oilmen soothing their cuts and burns with the substance, it struck him that ordinary people could benefit too. Vaseline is a great salve for cuts, bruises, and abrasions, ideal for removing any dirt or bacteria that would otherwise cause infection.

Keep Small Cuts And Injuries Clean And Bacteria Free

You are guaranteed a speedier recovery, too. Of course, Vaseline is not a replacement for antiseptic.

49.Working Out Without The Chafing

Anyone who plays sports will suffer from chafing at some stage, regardless of their gender. Those who love engaging in hockey, track, or football (as well as any sport, really) will need to keep their sensitive areas nice and lubricated. Delicate parts such as armpits, thighs and groins build a lot of friction during intense activity, leading to chafing.

Working Out Without The Chafing

Prior to leaving the locker room, lather those vulnerable body parts with Vaseline. Being able to do anything with your body free of friction and pain is a wonderful relief.

50.Taking Care Of Pesky Makeup Stains

While we know that Vaseline will bust lipstick off teeth, it is also a perfect remover for other lipstick-affected areas, such as fabrics. One just needs to dab some Vaseline onto a stain prior to tossing clothes into the wash. Oil and wax will also be busted by petroleum jelly.

Taking Care Of Pesky Makeup Stains

Before you go crazy with the stuff, however, try a little bit on your different types of clothes to makes sure that they react well.

51.Warding Off Uninvited Garden Visitors

Vaseline is a gardener’s best friend when it comes to harmlessly protect your plants. Combine a tiny bit of petroleum jelly with salt and coat the rims of your flowerpots with the mixture. This will stop slugs and snails from entering the protected zones and devouring all your hard work. Slather the mixture onto other areas where slimy eaters often invade such as garden paths and patios. You will never need pesticides again.

Warding Off Uninvited Garden Visitors

These pests will think twice before planning their next invasion!

52.Smooth And Healthy Baby Bums

Vaseline is incredible for keeping your baby safely protected from rashes. Kids plagued with diaper rash will find much relief with petroleum jelly. Following a lovely soak, dry your baby’s body completely before massaging some petroleum jelly into their skin and then finish with the diaper. Your baby can now enjoy a protective barrier on their skin which will keep rashes safe from liquid, allowing the condition to heal in no time.


Smooth And Healthy Baby Bums

Your baby deserves nothing but the best care and comfort.