30+ Photos That Made Us Think Now We’ve Seen Everything


Some visionary photographers were in just the right place at the right time to capture such incredible images that will make the viewer question everything! From underwater crop circles created by a pufferfish to fields blanketed in spider silk, prepare to be awestruck.

Panda Love

These two baby pandas nestled in their carer’s arms are forming the shape of a heart! Don’t they look adorable? Their soft swathes of black and white fur create the cutest image! The smile on their carer’s face is proof of just how fun caring for baby pandas is! Did you know caring for cuddling and clingy pandas is a real job in China? You can actually get paid to hug pandas!


Panda Love

The 2D Restaurant

Have you ever looked at a building and thought to yourself the following? “Why does this building have windows? It’s just a wall. It’s completely flat!” Well, that’s what we asked ourselves when we first saw this image. Upon first glance, it looks like this building is two-dimensional and is completely flat. However, if one does a little bit of research, you will discover that it is much bigger than it appears to be. It’s just the angle that this photo is taken at creates the illusion that it is flat.

The 2D Restaurant

Crazy Cats Sleepover Party

Interestingly, a group of cats is called a staring and we just can’t stop staring at this picture! We don’t need a headcount to tell that we’re 100% certain we’ve never seen so many cats in one place, seemingly voluntarily. But what brings them all here and why do they look so happy, we wonder? We can’t help but theorize that those rather innocent-looking plants in the center of the picture are actually catnip plants…
Crazy Cats Sleepover Party

A Tennis Court on the Fly

Playing tennis on the lawn is something regular people would do, right? If you want excitement to an extreme level, though, you should play sports in the sky. Why should all of your rooftop extravaganzas be reserved for swimming only? This picture of the helipad of the famous Burj Al Arab hotel was taken during a tennis match between Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer, with poor Nadal losing 700ft off the ground.
A Tennis Court on the Fly

Golden Ice Cave

This photo was taken in a beautiful Icelandic ice cave and shows a section of cave ice that has turned gold as the setting sun’s rays sneak in to set it aglow. Travel photographer Sarah Bethea was there at exactly the right time of year in order to capture the moment and this photo makes you realize how the caves may have earned their name, Treasure Island Caves.
Golden Ice Cave

Killer Crocodile Brutus

This killer crocodile named Brutus is a saltwater crocodile about 80 years of age. He makes special appearances for the thousands of tourists who visit Adelaide River to catch a glimpse of this crocodile at least once. What makes this crocodile so precious is that it lost one of its legs while battling with a shark and is considered a true hero. This crocodile is 18 feet long and very shy to meet people. However, if you offer him his favorite food, Brutus will be out there to entertain you.
Killer Crocodile Brutus

A Mushroom-Shaped Iceberg

Ice sculptures have become a symbol of luxury over the past two decades. It has no use, doesn’t stay for more than a day, and is incredibly expensive to make. This gigantic ice sculpture, on the other hand, is an iceberg shaped like a mushroom created by the hands of nature. Icebergs generally have domed or wedged shapes. This mushroom-shaped iceberg may look amusing, but your boat can easily be hit by it, leaving you to freeze to death in the chilly water. Remember Titanic?
A Mushroom-Shaped Iceberg

A Dress Created With 6,000 Leaves

Four students from China’s Hefei Normal University created this stunning off-shoulder “leaf dress” from nearly 6,000 magnolia and osmanthus leaves that they collected on campus and from the nearby Tianzhu Mountain. If you are wondering why these leaves are yellow, it is because the students had to boil the leaves in an alkali and sodium carbonate solution to preserve them. It took them six months to make the dress. After a lot of trial and error, this is the wonderful result!

A Dress Created With 6,000 Leaves

Bent Rail Tracks After a New Zealand Earthquake

This distorted railway line is the result of the Canterbury Earthquake. The 7.1-magnitude earthquake has strikingly twisted railway tracks. It now looks like a roller-coaster track at an amusement park, except it’s still on the ground! The railway will have to be repaired, though, because it is a strong deformation caused by concentrated stress. You wouldn’t think an earthquake could do this if you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes!

Bent Rail Tracks After a New Zealand Earthquake

Underwater Circles Created By Male Pufferfish

Crop circles in fields are made by UFOs, according to conspiracy theorists. Underwater crop circles are not so controversial. They are created by male pufferfish to attract mates! Males flap their fins as they swim to disrupt sediment, making ornate circular patterns that take them up to ten days to create. Once they have laboriously created their designs, the male pufferfishes wait. A female pufferfish will swim into the center if it catches her eye. Mating can then begin!

Underwater Circles Created by Male Pufferfish

A Woodpecker’s Tongue

Woodpecker tongues are long and narrow with a barbed tip. It’s so long, it can wrap around its head! Their tongue bones help them peck! Their tongues are so long because it helps them dislodge their food from deep crevices. Ants and insect larvae hiding in the bark of wood are forced out. Woodpeckers curl their tongue around the back of the head, between the skull and skin, when they are not using it.

A Woodpecker’s Tongue

An Airplane Flies Across a Solar Eclipse

How many times have you seen an airplane charm its way through the night sky? How about the number of times you’ve seen a solar eclipse? Just like the fact that you’ve probably never won the lottery, we bet that you’ve never seen an airplane fly through a solar eclipse before either, let alone this precisely centered. You should thank us for showcasing this cult symbol without the need for UV glasses!

An Airplane Flies Across a Solar Eclipse.

World Arm-Wrestling Champion

If you think the man with the biggest forearms is Popeye, then think again. This arm-wrestling champion has a forearm the size of a cat. We don’t mean sliding all your rolls from your stomach to your chest fat. This is some serious muscle! Due to a genetic defect, Matthias “Hellboy” Schlitte was born with only a strong right arm. This is a guy who put a worrisome flaw to good use. He’s now a 20-time international champion at right arm wrestling!

World Arm-Wrestling Champion

Tiger Riding Front Seat

Super rich people with affluent choices always continue to surprise us. It’s not like we haven’t seen tigers riding in cars (thank you, The Hangover). However, would you let this terrifying carnivore sit next to you in a car? Even if it was heavily sedated? This picture of a tiger riding front seat was taken around Marina Promenade and has gone viral in social media. We don’t even let our dog ride front seat! Although amusing at first sight, this image also has raised fury with animal rights activists and animal lovers.

Tiger Riding Front Seat

Pretty Little Peas

You are getting your dinner ready and start by cutting up some veggies. All of a sudden, in a bag of frozen peas, you find the cutest and tiniest peapod! What do you do? Upload it on social media and show it to the rest of the world, of course. Literally, no one has the opportunity to see a little peapod fully intact. We would rather believe that this man has a ginormous hand! These pretty little peas just had to be here.

Pretty Little Peas

When Two Different Colored Rivers Meet

The Rhone’s dark, steady blue and the Arve River’s flowing, muddy green waters merge together dramatically at a point called La Jonction, where the hues of deep blue and silty green swirl together. They are sitting perfectly next to each other in this incredible photograph. The confluence of the Rhone and Arve rivers creates a striking contrast that many would not believe existed if they did not see it in Geneva, Switzerland.

When Two Different Colored Rivers Meet

Frozen Lake in Switzerland

Frozen lakes become natural ice rinks only in movies, but if you are lucky enough to live near Switzerland’s large lakes in winter, you can safely ice skate on them! Thousands of frozen lakes that you can walk or skate on exist in Switzerland and are tested for safety by local authorities. These lakes are prepared for public use. This particular lake froze very slowly, so the ice crystals had time to grow very large, and now sparkle like diamonds in the sun.

Frozen Lake in Switzerland

This Tree in Tanzania Doesn’t Care About Soil Erosion

Did you know that trees can slow down soil erosion rates by binding soil to sloping land with their roots? Here, in this image, this enormous, indomitable tree is barely hanging on to what little land it can grab onto while the dry and arid soil surrounding it has sunk several inches. The trees and shrubs growing around look defeated, but this gigantic, tenacious tree is still miraculously standing in full bloom.

This Tree in Tanzania Doesn’t Care About Soil Erosion

The Moon’s Shadow on Earth During the Solar Eclipse

There is a dark gray region between the moon and Earth known as the umbra, where our moon completely obscures the Sun, even though it is so much smaller. During solar eclipses, satellites can capture the shadow of the moon passing over the Earth. NASA astronauts have spotted this too, but you don’t have to be one of the astronauts to see it because it has been captured in this mysterious picture.

The Moon’s Shadow on Earth During the Solar Eclipse

This Is What Being Homesick Looks Like

Animals can suffer from homesickness just as we do! This is a picture of a colorful parrot pressing its face against a glass decorated with a sticker of an undisturbed forest. Parrots generally live in green woodlands, rainforests, and savannahs, where they nest in cavities such as tree hollows. This parrot clearly recognizes its former home and there is a sad longing apparent in its expression. We would console the birdie with a hug if we could!

This Is What Being Homesick Looks Like

A Very Rare Color of Bear Fur

If you think that this polar bear fled to the woods because of a dyeing appointment gone bad, then you’d be wrong. This is a Kermode bear, also known as a spirit bear. It’s a rare subspecies of the black bear with a recessive gene that makes their fur white. These grizzlies receive their “spirit” name because of their timid nature. Don’t be fooled, though; they will devour you in seconds, although most bears take half a day to finish off their kill.

A Very Rare Color of Bear Fur

The King of Mushrooms

These freakishly large mushroom sprouts, weighing 845 grams, are the result of one small mistake made by Watervale’s Little Bunyip Farm. Known as the King Oyster mushroom, they were accidentally grown in vertical straw bags which were intended for Phoenix Oyster mushrooms. The farm wasn’t sure whether it was edible given its enormous size. King Oysters are generally quite large, but this mushroom is just massive! Would you dare eat it?

The King Of Mushrooms

Snow Donuts Created by Nature Itself

How strangely satisfying do these snow donuts look rolling down a hill? These form naturally when the weather conditions are just right. Bright, sunny weather that ensures wet (but not melted) snow and relatively strong winds that can move the snow donuts without blowing them up is needed for these snow donuts to form. It can be as small as a tennis ball or bigger than a tire. The snow donut in the picture is 26 inches, though! It’s like nature’s version of a giant snowman!

Snow Donuts Created by Nature Itself

Fields of Webs During the Spiders’ Migration

This Australian field has been bizarrely blanketed by reams of spider silk, caused by wolf spiders migrating upwards after water flooded their ground dwellings. Silk cast from spiders’ bodies is captured by the light breeze. The wolf spiders use their spider silk like a parachute to float up to the sky and fly long distances in a natural migration phenomenon called “ballooning”. The spider silk blanketing the fields like snow is called angel hair. If you’re scared of spiders, these fields might scare you, but they do look undeniably beautiful.

Fields of Webs During the Spiders’ Migration

Amazing Ice Crystals Formed on Thin Sea Ice

These spiky ice crystals are called frazil! Ice forms needle-like crystals when turbulent ocean water freezes. These ice crystals form in winter if the temperatures suddenly plunge. However, frazil ice doesn’t float for long, as they are doing here. They can sink very easily and adhere to structures in the water, blocking water flow. They can be a nightmare for those managing water bodies, but for the rest of us, these needle-like ice crystal clusters just look super cool!

Amazing Ice Crystals Formed On Thin Sea Ice

A Herd of Sheep Before & After Shearing

We’ve all seen fat sheep falling upside down and then being rolled back by shepherds. Are sheep really as bulbous as they look, though? This picture of sheep before and after being sheared says otherwise. This is a lot of fleece from one naked flock! Imagine the number of sweaters you would receive if your grandmother raised them in a farm herself, although you could prevent these sheep from becoming completely bare by returning the knitted sweaters to them.

A Herd Of Sheep Before & After Shearing

Fire Tornado

Ever wondered what a ‘firenado’ would look like? Well, now you know! It looks as frightening as you’d expect it to be, but what can spawn this rare, terrifying freak of nature? Wildfires cause forests to go up in flames every once in a while, but the blaze can spread from forest to neighborhoods if houses are built near them. This wildfire grew so strong that it unleashed a tornado! Big wildfires like this can create strong winds. They can also make it rain or even produce lightning.

Fire Tornado

A Streetlight With a Beard

You’ve probably heard of hair growing in the strangest of places like hands and feet. Then there’s Wolverine with a stunning beard that makes your heart melt. What you’ve never seen before is perhaps a streetlight pulling off a beard this well! This is probably a wig flown off a woman’s head getting stuck in a streetlight. However, we’d like to think of this sodium vapor lamp as having magnetic properties to suck up hair.

A Streetlight With a Beard

Taking Car Trafficking to Another Level

Cars aren’t exactly easy to move around if you want to transport multiple ones at once. If they need to be taken to be repaired or simply need to be relocated somewhere without actually being driven, you might want to consider investing in a vehicle designed to traffic other vehicles. This company though in Africa decided to take matters into their own hands. They simply fitted the cars onto the top and sides of a truck and tied them as tightly as possible to ensure they didn’t fall.

Taking Car Trafficking to Another Level

A Batmobile Like No Other

Ever since the success of the ’60s Batman TV show, fans all over the world have been creating Batmobiles. This superior vehicle is a fan creation of the actual car designed for two movies in the Batman film series: Batman and Batman Returns. The original car was used by Micheal Keaton, the actor who played Batman so well that the vehicle was dubbed as the Keaton Mobile. If Barney had this, he wouldn’t have even needed the Playbook!

A Batmobile Like No Other

A Finger With Nerve Damage Doesn’t Wrinkle

As you can see, this person’s middle finger isn’t pruney like the rest of the fingers, because it has nerve damage! This is known as the “skin wrinkle” test. A finger with nerve damage doesn’t wrinkle underwater. Scientists used to think that fingers and toes prune up because of osmosis, but this disproved it! Instead, our fingers and toes wrinkle up underwater to improve our grip on wet or submerged objects!

A Finger With Nerve Damage Doesn’t Wrinkle

Animal Paws for Socks

What is up with everyone’s fascination with cat paws? Even sock manufacturers are jumping on the bandwagon and are now making paws that resemble your pets! You can search Amazon for socks of any animal, from tigers and dinosaurs to dogs and zebras. Imagine tucking in these socks under your office pants and then going home after a day of work to make Tiktok videos with your feline friend. Spook the fur out of your cat!

Animal Paws for Socks

Camel Parked Right Out

This is not one of those mirages you’ve read about in your Physics class. You, my friend, are looking at a real-life camel. We bet that, by the looks of it, you can tell that this decorated camel is from India. Apparently, parking camels along with cars is pretty common in Rajasthan, India. This picture was taken by a tourist near Mehrangarh Fort of Jodhpur, Rajasthan back in December 2017.

Camel Parked Right Out

Inception Food Chain

This crocodile is catching a small fish that is catching an even smaller fish, in a stunning display of how the food chain works. This photo went viral shortly after it was taken by Massimiliano Bencivenni in Brazil. This small fish leaped up to catch its dinner but was swallowed by a hungry crocodile mid-air! In nature, you’re never far away from your predator. How the photographer managed to get such a clear shot of this incredible instant is unclear.

Inception Food Chain

A Seagull Tries to Save its Friend

This picture was taken in the Prince William Sound region of Alaska. A seagull was trying to save its friend from the claws of an Eagle and wounded up in a mid-air fight. By pursuing and fearlessly pecking at the Eagle’s back, the brave seagull saved his friend from the claws of the predator. This feels like a story straight out of Aesop’s Fables. Gratitude to David Canales for taking this brilliant shot, now we have seen everything!

A Seagull Tries to Save its Friend

The Tree Survived Hiroshima

At the point of the nuclear event over the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945, a huge number of people perished; but, surprisingly, this tree, just 750 meters away from the detonation point, survived. Although numerous survivors thought that nothing would grow in the city for quite a long time, this tree along with several other trees in the region has been growing for 75 years. This tree has been a messenger of hope for people all around the globe.

The Tree Survived Hiroshima

Martin Loofah King

Wouldn’t it be fun to do your dishes wearing a glove with a silly mashup of Martin Luther King and his iconic speech? Well, the Martin Loofah King Exfoliating Glove presents both an entertaining play on words and a deep clean. One side of the glove is decorated with a picture of Martin Luther King himself and the other side has “I have a clean” imprinted as a funny improvisation of his iconic speech entitled “I have a dream.”


Martin Loofah King

The Stairs at Balamand University, Lebanon

This book staircase in Balamand University is known as the StairCase of knowledge. The staircase exhibits 21 book covers in chronological order. This incredible staircase was solely designed by the students for a project, and it is located next to the university library. It is surely one of the most interesting things to witness for a book lover since it has a wide variety of books ranging from history to science.

The Stairs at Balamand University, Lebanon

The 512-year-old Greenland Shark

This huge Greenland shark was discovered in the North Atlantic Ocean by researchers who evaluated it to be as much as 512 years of age – the oldest living vertebrate in the world. Greenland sharks generally have a lifespan of 300-500 years and are estimated to grow by only one cm per year. This shark was alive during the most significant world events, like the establishment of the US in 1776, the sinking of the Titanic, and both world wars.

The 512-year-old Greenland Shark

Four Trees from One

“What is dead may never die” – the common saying in the popular TV series Game of Thrones fits this picture perfectly. This tree was uprooted during a storm and eventually helped four more trees to grow from it. The trees that grew from it were no small grass trees either; they are taller than the uprooted tree itself. This is one of the rarest sights to see in this weird world.

Four Trees from One

Tiny House on the Road

Do you have a fascination with the idea of traveling the country on an RV? Check out this amazing tiny house made on a truck with extreme creativity. However, the owner of this truck is still unknown. The wood-made tiny house was spotted in Nueske’s, Wittenberg. We bet you couldn’t have imagined such a sustainable house on the roads before seeing this picture. Thankfully, someone has captured this superb truck house for travel enthusiasts around the world.

Tiny House on the Road

A Museum That Looks Like a Game Glitch

This is the Royal Ontario Museum located in Toronto, which is well-known for the fact that it looks like a glitched building in a video game. Made of only metal and glass, it is a museum with one of the most sophisticated architectural designs in the world. It attracts around a million visitors every year. When you get to see this building, you will feel like you’re in the middle of two different centuries since it is built alongside a historical building of the museum.

A Museum That Looks Like a Game Glitch

Guitar Volume Turned Up to 12

If you find it difficult to play one guitar, wait till you see what the Japanese artist Yoshihiko Satoh has designed! He is the mastermind behind this multi-neck guitar. That’s what he does; he alters largely produced items and multiplies them with awesomeness. This guitar design is, by far, his most amazing work; he merged 12 guitars into one highly functional instrument After seeing this picture, anyone would say, “Well, now, I’ve seen everything!”

Guitar Volume Turned Up to 12

Lion Taking a Nap on a Tree

This is probably one of the most adorable pictures on the internet right now. In the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, a group of mighty lions was spotted taking shelter from the blistering sun, eventually falling asleep on the branches of the tree. This group of lions overlooks their territory while taking a nap on such heights. Thanks to Alexander Kirichko, we get to see a cute side to this otherwise ferocious animal.

Lion Taking a Nap on a Tree

Rare White Swedish Reindeer

This rare, gorgeous white reindeer was spotted in Mala, Sweden a few years ago. A group of friends caught sight of this magnificent reindeer on the street. According to the people of that locality, this reindeer is considered to be a stroke of luck for anyone who comes across it. The reason behind its majestic appearance is actually a kind of genetic disorder that clears out color from their fur. These white reindeers are so rare that local people get excited every time they get to see one of them.

Rare White Swedish Reindeer

Alien Invasion in Russia

Did you ever think a football stadium could look like an alien spaceship lifting off into the sky? Well, add the perfect layer of fog on the horizon, and Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa’s visionary design, and that’s just what the Krestovsky Stadium in Saint Petersburg will look like.

Alien Invasion in Russia

The Queen’s Guards Boots

You can imagine how grueling a Queen’s Guard’s life has to be simply by looking at these shoes. You might wonder, what makes the boots look so worn out? Don’t they just stand outside the palace? Well, the guards actually have to keep standing for hours on end in accordance with a specific schedule throughout the year. What’s more is that these boots apparently must not exceed the weight of three dead swans and 10 cucumber sandwiches, according to historical policies. What a strange basis of measuring weight!

The Queen’s Guards Boots

Muffin Coin Purse

Do you think this looks like the Pac-Man doodle eating the coins, or a cute-looking, delicious muffin spewing out silver coins? If you thought this was the latter, you’re right; this is a purse featuring what looks like real muffins! Imagine this: you’re sitting at McDonald’s waiting for your Big Mac, and this is what your girlfriend brings for you. Let’s say, you didn’t notice the strange appearance and munched down on it – that has to hurt!

Muffin Coin Purse

Lego Stephen Hawking

Lego’s can be a great way to express your creativity even if you’re old and grey. This is a Lego version of the world-renowned scientist and physicist Stephen Hawking. This was created 10 years ago to celebrate Stephen Hawking’s flight on the zero-gravity Vomit Comet. It features the classic Lego shapes, but it is designed so perfectly that anyone would be able to recognize the person at a glance. As a fan of the legendary Stephen Hawking, we would definitely get ourselves one of these!

Lego Stephen Hawking

A Horse’s Dream House

Who wouldn’t love to see a place where pets are treated like kings? We sure would! You don’t have to travel back in time to see this devotion though. These lovable horses are being petted in a Horse Culture Museum in the Jiangsu province of China. Horse Culture Museums can be seen as part of equestrian-themed towns and are a big crowd attraction. Why should cats and dogs have all the fun?

A Horse’s Dream House

Room for One More?

In the west, most people that are of legal driving age own at least one car or truck. In fact, many households have upwards of two vehicles and you’ll often see cars on the road with just one person inside. Elsewhere, however, you’ll see more people on a motorbike than you would have thought possible. The first time you see it is pretty jaw-dropping, but it’s actually a very common sight in many countries including Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Room for One More?

Ever the Optimist

It’s generally viewed that optimism is a positive trait, but as this photo clearly shows, some people take it a little too far. That bed base is not going to fit into that car. Not even in a million years. It’s not even as if the door is just a couple of inches too short either so she must suffer from acutely terrible spatial awareness to have even entertained the idea. You’ve got to love her optimism though.

Ever the Optimist

Unsolved Mysteries

Imagine looking out of the kitchen window into your backyard and seeing this, instead of your usually flat and normal-looking pond. Well, that’s what happened to Reddit user Capricorn77 who then posted this picture online to try and find answers. People rushed to Capricorn77’s assistance and offered various theories on what it could be and advice on who to call, but unfortunately, everyone was left out in the cold as the poster never reported back what it was. How rude!

Unsolved Mysteries

Keep Your Chin Up Lad

It takes a couple of seconds to figure out what’s actually going on in this photo. Somebody (presumably a man!) has drawn eyes and a mouth on their neck, added glasses, and then lifted their chin up into the air. Coupled with a clever camera angle, the beard transforms into a wiry mop of hair. We think it’s great when people use their spare time and imagination to entertain us, but why the sad face? We’ve seen worse hairstyles!

Keep Your Chin Up Lad

Maybe We’ll Go to Burger King Instead

Ronald McDonald has been a mascot for the infamous McDonald’s fast-food chain since 1963. We could understand the presence of one, but why there are eight Ronald McDonald’s all standing around in the parking lot here is anyone’s guess. In our opinion, eight Ronalds is around eight too many, but for anyone suffering from coulrophobia, this sight would be downright terrifying. A Chapman University survey found that 7.8% of Americans suffer from an irrational fear of clowns.

Maybe We’ll Go to Burger King Instead

Surfboard Yoga

Even if you’ve never tried it, one can only imagine that standing upright on a surfboard or paddleboard is incredibly difficult. When it’s in the water that is. But to do a headstand on one? This lady’s not even dressed for swimming, so she must be very confident with her ability to balance and control the ascent and descent of the headstand. We’re not sure about you, but we’re very impressed. Bravo.

Surfboard Yoga

Turning to the Dark Side

Great news! Star Wars fans can now purchase child-sized storm-troopers and Darth Vaders to decorate their home with. You’d hope that if you caught your kid playing with them, they’d be on the side of the Jedis though, right? This kid might have some daddy issues and has seen a unique opportunity to switch to the dark side of the force. As he bows ceremoniously to be knighted by the evil one’s light-saber, we worry slightly for his parents.

Turning to the Dark Side

The Great Penguin Migration

Emperor penguins migrate further inland on an annual basis to breeding lands, before returning to the sea with their chicks in summer. This train doesn’t even go to the breeding grounds. These silly penguins must be lost. But in all seriousness, imagine turning up to a busy metro station and seeing this. At the very least, we suppose it would make a good conversation starter for the rest of the day. Or did you imagine it..?

The Great Penguin Migration

A Man’s Work is Never Done

You haven’t seen it all until you’ve seen a man vacuuming up the snow on the streets. It looks like he’s got a lot of work to do and unless he finds a plug outlet soon, he’ll freeze to death. Even after he’s plugged it in, until it stops snowing this man’s work will never be done. He looks cold so he must really be committed to his work. Let’s not spoil his fun by telling him that snow melts.

A Man’s Work is Never Done

The Eye of the Lake

We’ve all heard about the eye of the storm, but what about the eye of the lake? This photo was taken of an almost frozen-over lake in Nebraska and the yet-to-freeze gap in the middle looks uncannily eye-like. While the central water forms the pupil, the thin ice that immediately surrounds it is what makes this eye look so realistic. The cracks offer life-like detail to a gray-blue iris. Whoever took this eye-catching photo deserves an award!

The Eye of the Lake

You Won’t Be-Leaf It!

As fall approaches, the chlorophyll that lends its green color to leaves is broken down to be used for vital nutrients elsewhere in the tree. The leaves fade to yellow, before then turning red from the formation of anthocyanin. So, imagine how rare it is to come across a leaf that is exactly half green and half red! Not even a hint of yellow or orange. This leaf is enough to make anyone FALL in love with nature’s randomness.

You Won’t Be-Leaf It!

Old Habits Die Hard

Chopsticks have been the go-to eating utensil in East Asia for over three millennia. Usually used to pick up small pieces of food, this kid has decided that chopsticks are also totally great for eating large slices of pizza with. This kid must possess pretty advanced chopstick skills in order to pick up such a heavy food item with them. And to think we used to think it was strange when we saw people eating pizza with knives and forks…

Old Habits Die Hard

Crazy Rich Dogs

How much do you care for your pets? A more appropriate question in regard to this picture would be, where do you draw the line between loving your pets and reducing your bank balance for them? Well, if you’re filthy rich, you won’t have to be concerned about that. People have extraordinary ways of cherishing their pets. This cute Yorkie Poo is all dolled up in her fancy carrier, which we initially thought was made for babies.

Crazy Rich Dogs


Now, this definitely isn’t something that you see every day. This mind-blowing photo, which went viral in November of 2020, shows a snake eel blasting through the stomach of a heron flying over the state of Delaware. At first, photographer Sam Davis thought that the eel had just bitten the bird and latched on. After blowing up the photos, though, he quickly realized that the eel “was actually coming out the other end.” Freaky stuff!


Ride Through Emergencies in Luxury

This picture of the ambulance was captured in Saudi Arabia. As you know, affluent Middle Easterns cannot survive without extravagance. You’ve probably seen princes riding on lions and being delivered expensive cars through helicopters. This is one of the special limousine ambulances waiting for a Saudi prince with a desire to go for his appendicitis operation in style! Our question is, how are they supposed to transport patients with saline in this?

Ride Through Emergencies in Luxury

Birds Lit by Fire on a Background of Smoke

This is not a scene from a movie, although it would have made a great poster for a title like “The Rise of the Phoenixes.” This image is actually really depressing, as all the birds were burnt in a serious blast. The orange glow seen on their bodies are sparks of fire that landed on them as they flew away. At least these birds escaped! If you were present, your torso would have exploded like a crushed watermelon.

Birds Lit by Fire on a Background of Smoke

Horse Hoof Heels

As much as you would want Lady Gaga to wear these heels, we hate to break it to you that these aren’t a part of her funky dance-pop. This pair of bizarre horse hoof heels was created by Adrienne Maloof. Adrienne is an American shoe designer whom you may know from the reality TV show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She apparently is inspired in her designs by fictional characters such as centaurs. Would you wear them?

Horse Hoof Heels

Transparent Fish Blends in With the Background

After days of going fishing with your dad and all the hours spend with water and sticks, you would probably rather wish you were dead. On the other hand, there’s this guy from New Zealand. He picks up a living fish with his bare hands, and that too transparent! This is a Salpa Maggiore (Salpa Maxima) which is a gelatinous fish. It’s incredible how well-structured the skeleton is. However, it seems like this fish has no brain. Sounds fishy!

Transparent Fish Blends in With the Background

A Moth During the Mating Period

When a male moth is looking for a partner, he releases pheromones from tufts of hair. The female moth will lay as many as 50 eggs, which will hatch within ten days. This image captures one step of this process!

A Moth During the Mating Period