This Drink May Help You to Eliminate Knee and Joint Pain in Just 5 Days



Joint pain is a real drag, and it can ruin your day. Chronic joint pain is often attributed to aging, and this may be a factor. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be treated. Joint pain that is ignored puts the body through an incredible amount of stress and causes unnecessary degeneration of the joint tissue.

While joint pain can be caused by excessive use, arthritis, loss of bone density, and injury, it can also indicate a nutritional deficiency. If you experience daily pain and can’t identify the cause, this is a good place to start. We have a smoothie recipe that will not only soothe joint irritation, it will make you happy because it tastes so good.

We are going to look at the individual ingredients of this super joint relief concoction and then share the recipe. Once you know how each component helps, you can play with the recipe, adding and subtracting to get the best balance for you. 

First, let’s take a deeper look at the mechanism of joint pain: inflammation.


Inflammation is actually a bodily defense mechanism that’s meant to seal off an afflicted part of the body so that whatever the problem is doesn’t spread. However, chronic inflammation causes more problems than it solves. Inflammation that doesn’t go away is generally called an autoimmune disorder. When there is no infection to fight but inflammation persists, the result is pain, stiffness, and potential loss of function of the affected joints.

Chronic inflammation may also push your joints out of position, causing muscle strain. The muscles then eventually rebuild around the misplaced joint in an attempt to stabilize it, and none of this is comfortable. At that point, you are also likely to experience pain in other parts of your body because of the misaligned joint.

Vitamin deficiency is a common cause of inflammation, especially if your body lacks sufficient calcium, bromelain, magnesium, and iron. Our smoothie recipe is aimed at providing the right nutrition to reduce chronic inflammation and make it easier to heal from the original complaint.

Ingredient Spotlight


The star of pineapple for joint complaints is bromelain. This anti-inflammatory compound is commonly recommended for people with arthritis because it reduces swelling in soft tissue injuries. Other great features of pineapple include the all-star vitamin – C, as well as manganese, copper, fiber, and B vitamins.


Orange Juice

Speaking of vitamin C, orange juice helps keep ligaments and tendons strong, which is great for joint support. Its antioxidant properties lessen oxidative stress as a result of free radical damage. The flavonoids and carotenoids work to support blood vessel cells and inhibit the inflammatory response, leading to less pain. OJ also has magnesium and calcium to contribute to joint health, making it just awesome all around.


Cinnamon is a flavorful spice that helps improve blood circulation, which can be hampered by inflammation. It has also been used holistically to treat joint conditions. In some cases, issues with the joint bones spark inflammation and chronic pain. A 2008 study on rheumatoid arthritis and bone damage found that the disease increases activity by osteoclast cells, which break down bones for resorption. In the study, cinnamon was able to slow the osteoclast activity and reduce bone damage.

Rolled Oats

Whole grains like oatmealkeep inflammation at bay because they are resistant starches. This is a type of carb that passes undigested through your system, feeding healthy gut bacteria rather than your whole body. The healthy bacteria produce a fatty acid that makes for more efficient fat oxidation, which leads to less inflammation. You’ll also get a fair bit of iron per serving, shoring up another common deficiency associated with joint pain.

Raw Honey

Honey is a delicate sweet flavor that packs a real antioxidant punch. It has also been used as medicine over thousands of years, for ailments as diverse as coughs and skin infections. Mixed with apple cider vinegar, honey is a common natural pain reliever for joint pain. We think our smoothie tastes better, though! You still get all the nutritional benefits of honey’s antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals plus a nice sweetness and smooth texture.


The Recipe

Sounds delicious, right? Let’s make it!


  • 2 small cups of diced pineapple
  • 1 cup of rolled oats
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 glass of orange juice
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 TSP raw, natural honey


  • Add water and oats into a pot and allow it to cook according to package directions.
  • Allow the oatmeal to cool.
  • Place orange juice, cooled, cooked oats, cinnamon, pineapple, and honey into a blender. 
  • Blend until smooth. 
  • Add more water as desired to thin the texture. 

Drink this smoothie once a day, whenever you like, over the course of 5 days. You should be virtually free of joint pain by the fifth day. If the pain is not the result of occasional overuse, but rather associated with aging, arthritis, or repetitive motion you can’t avoid, you may want to make this delicious smoothie a life-long habit.


If you do not experience relief within 5 days, the problem could be related to something more serious than inflammation caused by vitamin deficiency or overuse. This smoothie is an overall healthy drink that includes several ingredients known to decrease inflammation and pain, but it can’t heal all possible underlying conditions. It is important at this point to see your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment plan.

This smoothie is one smart habit it should be easy to maintain. The healthy fruits, grains, and seasonings make it good for you on so many levels, not just joint support. Now, relief from the burning, achy pain of swollen joints is the main objective here. The increased vigor and wellness you may experience is just the icing on the cake. But it means you can really take advantage of pain free and flexible joints! We hope that getting back to the physical activities you enjoy will bring as much happiness as it does health.