21 Special Hotels Around the World


Special places and accommodations from all over the world – where comfort and adventure meet.There are a lot of ways to travel, depending on our financial opportunities. However, there are a few, for whom money is no object, if it’s about accommodation, they are looking for the most luxurious options.

#21 Mariana Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore



This hotel is one of the most popular holiday resort on the world. Why? Well it is proably due to its pool that is located almost 200 m high, it is three times bigger than an olimpic swimming pool and is the biggest pool in the world. The hotel has 2560 rooms, owns a casino, an open-air shopping mall, a convention center, a theatre and a museum as well.

#20 Hotel Kakslauttanen – Finland


In this unique hotel we can watch in perfect comfort one of the worlds most special natural phenomenon, the aurora borealis. The hotel has an  Ice Gallery, an Ice Bar and a snow restaurant that is capable of taking 150 people at a time, moreover,it owns 20 iglooes. In the iglooes there is no artificial heating built in, however, even though the outdoor temperature can be as low as -30°C, the inner temperature is surplisingly high, it’s around room-temperature.

#19 A magical forest-hotel in Chile


In Chile, there is an enchanting hotel located on a mountain, called Montana Magica Lodge. This hotel has a volcano shape, and one of its peculiarities is that every our instead of lava, water flows from its top. This place is located in Hulio Hulio, Los Rios region, a private nature reservation area, that is around 300.000 hectares. The building fades into its surrounding due to the fact that it is covered in moss. The neighbouring rainforest is rich in fauna. Among other species, the world’s smallest deer, the pudu lives here. By the end of the day the guests can rest in bathtubs that were carved from giant logs, while listening to the sound of the hotel’s waterfall.

#18 Giant house-dog watches over our dreams in the US


Idaho is a place every dog-lover would gladly visit, if they found out that the worlds biggest carved beagle can be found here, moreover, this wooden giant statue functions as a hotel. We can enter the rooms of the Dog Bark Park Inn on the side stairs to take our accommodation. The funniest part is, that the rest room is in a different building that looks like a hydrant.

#17 Underwater hotelroom in Africa


The Manta Resort on the Pemba Island is matchless. This hotel, that was designed by Mikael Genberg, is not the first one to have underwater rooms, but it is one of the most unique ones, due to its naturality. The swedish designed suits have three parts, the bench, a lounge and a bathroom on sea-level and under the surface of the Indian ocean they all have a glass bedchamber from which, there is a 360 degrees view to the ocean’s flora and fauna.  This hotel floats on the water, around 50-100 meters from the coast, winded up safely. In the crystal clear water we can see turtles, torpedoes and clown-fishes.

#16 Visible and Invisible wooden houses in Sweden


On the northern part of Sweden, on Lappland was built the first invisible house. Reflecting glasses were used,so that the building would remain hidden in the wooes. These 2 houses were made of aluminium and they belong to the Treehotel. To this hotel belongs 4 visible wooden houses, so we can choose to sleep in cabins or in saucers. There are spas and saunas attached to the buildings too.

#15 Snow-white paradise in Greece


On Santorini, the Katikies Hotel-Oia is one of Greece’s most beautiful holiday resort with its snow-white buildings and crystal clear blue water. Apart from the amazing view and turquoise-blue sea the hotel’s other attraction is its unique cave-pools. Behind the white walls, luxury rooms await the guests that are decorated with muslin and silk materials.

#14 Gamirasu Cave Hotel Turkey


This cave-hotel in Ayval Köyü had been inhabitad 1000 years ago, when Byzantine monks lived here. The Gamirasu Cave hotel is in volcanic rock and its temperature is between 17-20 °C all year long. This place has a fascinating mood that guides you back into the ancient times, however, it also measures up to the modern requirements: the rooms have rock walls and modern equipment. Outside the hotel we can view Anatolia’s fascinating landscape.

#13 Attrap’Rêves hotel  France


Probably has already wonderd on nice summer nights looking up at the sky about the universe, about how small a man is compared to it. On calm moments like this only mosquitos and other insects can be a bother. However, the french  Attrap’Rêves hotel has when on a nice summer night, looking up at the starry sky Valószínűleg mindenkivel előfordult már, hogy egy kellemes nyári estén, feltekintve a csillagos fount a lolution to this. When this bubble-hotel was made, the nature remained untouched, and the enviroment does not suffer any damage because of the presence of man. The hotel was madein 2010, designed by a creative french family. The main goal was to make tents that can be used anytime, during the summers and the winters as well, made by recycled material, and to keep them comfortale, eg their equipment include a double bed, coffee table, chairs, and a star-map, but still to keep the illusion of sleeping outside in the nature, in the pine forestof Provence.

#12 Hotel de Glace Kanada


The Hotel de Glace is located in Quebec, Canada and its speciality is that it only ‘exists’ from the beggining of january till the end of april. The reason of this is that it is madr of snow and after april, it melts. The building procedures start every year around the 1st of december. To build this hotel 15.000 tons of snow and 500 tons of ice is used. In this hotel everything, even the decoration, thr bar and the beds are made of frozen snow and ice. Due to this, the average temperature is usually around -5 C, though the beauty of this special place compensates us for the low temperature.


#11 Desert Lotus Hotel Mongolia


In the inner part of Mongolia, in the Xiangshawan desert, there is a unique lotus-shaped hotel. The Desert Lotus Hotel was named after its alternate cube and triangle shaped buildings. The hotel, built in the giant sea-sand dunes consists of several parts. This place is getting more and more popular among tourists,since the hotel organises camel trips, desert surfings and collective meditative programs. Moreover, if we are lucky,we can even hear the ‘singing of the dunes’.

#10 Hotel Unique, Brazil


Unique architectural features characterise the Hotel Unique Design Hotel. The building’s green copper facade fuses with the Jardins districts and the Ibirapuera districts flora. From the terrace and the pool there is a wonderful view to the city. The hotel is an excluseive and modern oasis in the big city life.

#9 Hotel Spitbank Fort, UK


The Spitbank Fort  was built in the victorian times by the british to protect themselves from the french military force. However, a rich man has bought it and turned it into a luxury hotel.The owner has spent over a billion forints on renovation and in 2012 he opened it as a luxury hotel. The guests can arrive by helicopter or by boat that leaves from the port of Portsmouth. The cheapest room is 350 GBP per night, this price includes the transportation by boat and the breakfast. The guests arriving by helicopter can rent the whole fort for 5000 GBP.The Spitbank Fort used to be a bunk for 150 soldiers, but nowadays its an exclusive hotel consisting of 18 rooms. On the top of the fort jakuzzi and fireplace was made. When the weather is bad,the guests can spend time in the sauna, or they can used the opportunities given by the card-room.  The view is beautiful from the light house, we can see the port in Portsmouth, the city of Portsmough and also the neighbourint forts.The hotel is also famous for appearing in the 9th episode of the James Bond series, titled ‘The world is not enough’. The crew of Skyfall ans also visited the fort. Because of this, the wealthiest guests can even buy a James Bond package.

#8 Taj Lake Palace Hotel, India


The Taj Lake Palace Hotel used to be a palace that was turned into a 5 star hotel in India. The hotel emerges from the Pichola lakes water In Udaipur. It is one of the worlds most wonderful and most romantic hotels. The palace was carved from white marble and was built in 1746 by the orders of II. Jagat Singh maharaja. The maharaja had the lake expanded with the help of a little barrier and had the palace built in the middle of the lake on a 1.5 hectares big island called Niwas. Today the palace is a luxury hotel consisting of 66 rooms and 17 suits. There is also a medical center in operation in the hotel.

#7 Hotel Jested, Czechia


It is unbelievale that the TV tower built on the czechian highlands is already 50 years old, but still looks like a a setting from a sci-fi movie. Moreover, from far away, the 90 meters high towers looks like it was part of the mountain top.

#6 Giraffe Manor, Kenya


The 140 hectares big park is located around 30 minutes far from the city of Nairobi. The Giraffe Manor is unique due to its locals. The hotel recalls the chic of the old times. The wildlife is not only behind barriers, but the giraffes are allowed into the garden of the hotel, therefore they may look inside the guest rooms from the windows anytime. The hotel was built in 1930. It is unique in its special ways,since it gives us the opportunity to view the african wildlife from a luxurious environment. The wildlife of the hotel does not onlyconsist of giraffes but also of wild boars and around 180 bird species.

#5 Elephant camping – Zimbabwe


Describing the view of the elephant camping is extremely difficult. The sight of the wonderful flora, the pools and the Victoria waterfall make a breath-taking view.The camping has an own reservation that allows us to directly encounter for example elephants or cheetahs.

#4 Hotel San Cruise, South-Korea


The Sun Cruise Resort hotel is in a class by itself. It is located in Jeongdongjin on the sea-shore on a cliff. Everything inside the hotel looks as if it would in a submarine, except for the fact that the guest will surely not get seasick. The city is very popular among the south-korean tourists, who prefer to view the dawn above the Japanese Sea here. This free-time activity is especially popular around New Year’s Eve. The circulating bar on the top of the boat-hotel offers a majestic panorama and near the hotel there is a statue park and a sandy beach as well.It is not even that expensive to spend the night there. According to the website of the hotel, on weekdays the cheapest room is 80.000 vons + 10% VAT. The most expensive suit is 280.000 vons without the VAT. There are 211 cabins on the boat.

#3 The Flower of the Ocean hotelcomplex, Maldives


The so-called 5 Lagoons was made in co-operation with the Republic of Maldives. This complex is materialises on 1300 little islands onthe Indian ocean and will be ready within the next 2 years. Within this project a flower-shaped holiday island,an underground see-through walled tunnel system, a golf course floating on the sea, a green star shaped swimming pool and an conference center will be built. There will also be a separated archipelago where on each of the 43 tiny private islands, luxury mansions will be built.

#2 Ladera Hotel, St. Lucia


The resort consists of 9 mansions and 23 suits and has a wonderful view to the Piton mountains and the Carribean sea. It is characterised by a calm and minimalist design. The furniture in every room are from the 19th century and the accessories are handmade wickerworks by the locals. The guests have the opportunity here to completely separate themselves from the outside world, due to the special performanceof the suits. The visitors can spend their time in the wellness baths, the restaurant, the pleasure-ground or relaxing in their rooms.

#1 Monaestro Santa Rosa Hotel and Wellness, Italy



It is a wonderful holiday resort in Italy, along the Salerno bay. Monaestro Santa Rosa Hotel and Wellness is a very romantic place, you may see spots like this one in romantic movies. This hotel was uilt in the 17th century. Though it may not seem it, it used to an abbey. In this luxury hotel there are 20 rooms that have a view to the garden, the environment and to the ocean as well. Due to its waveless pools and luxury wellness services, anyonewould spend at least a week here!