Selamat Hari Raya from & Honda Malaysia!



As Hari Raya Aidilfitri approaches, the occasion is certainly when family and friends will gather, whether near or far. It certainly is an opportunity for those who won’t usually cross paths to meet and get acquainted.

We will all, no doubt, be familiar with the question, or some variation thereof: where’s your boyfriend/girlfriend? As shown in our Hari Raya video, Joe’s mother is keen to meet his girlfriend Janice, as are all of his friends when they come around to visit.


As it turns out, the more reserved among us take a bit coaxing to summon the courage to meet people for the first time, even if – or maybe especially if they are friends and family of our own beloved, as Janice did, having looked back on a photo from last Hari Raya.

Perhaps this is the season to step out a little more, and get to better know the ones dearest to those who are dearest to us – who knows, behind that veil of uncertainty could be the warmest of welcomes.

As always, be prepared for your drive, whether the one you’re about to embark on is long or short, and have your festive tunes and navigation queued up for safe operation. We at and Honda Malaysia wish you the most heartwarming of celebrations, and we hope for all of you to have the best possible time this season, and more.