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Lycium barbarum is a shrub or small tree, usually between 1 and 3 meters in height. Its leaves are opposite, oblong and turquoise. The flowers are purplish red or lavender and have a long flowering period. The fruit is a red or orange-red oval berry, usually containing many small seeds.

Lycium barbarum is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. Its main effects include nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney, improving eyesight, anti-aging, and so on. Goji berries are also believed to have effects such as improving immunity, anti-oxidation, and regulating blood sugar.

Goji berry is also a traditional ingredient, often used in Chinese cooking to increase the taste and nutritional value of dishes. Dried wolfberry can be used to make tea, cook soup, or stew chicken and duck. In addition, modern nutritional research also shows that wolfberry is rich in various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant substances, which help to maintain good health.

Despite the many benefits of goji berries, they should still be consumed in moderation. For some specific constitutions or health conditions, such as body heat weight, wet weight, etc., it is best to use it under the guidance of a doctor.

Lycium barbarum has a variety of medicinal and nutritional values, and its functions mainly include the following aspects:

Nourishes yin and nourishes kidney: It can nourish the liver and kidney, and improve discomfort symptoms such as weakness of the waist and knees, dizziness, and dizziness.

Improving eyesight: Goji berry is believed to improve eyesight, which can help improve eye fatigue, blurred vision, and other problems. It is often used to treat eye problems such as dry eyes and vision loss.

Improving immunity: Goji berries contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which help to enhance immunity, improve the body's resistance, and reduce the risk of infection.

Antioxidant: Lycium barbarum is rich in various antioxidant substances, such as multivitamins (vitamin C, vitamin E, etc.), polyphenolic compounds, etc., which can neutralize free radicals, slow down oxidative damage to cells, and help delay the aging process.


Regulating blood sugar: Some studies have shown that wolfberry may have a certain regulating effect on blood sugar levels and can help stabilize blood sugar, which may be beneficial to some people with diabetes or those who need to control blood sugar.

Improve sleep quality: Goji berry is believed to have a calming effect, which can help improve sleep quality and relieve problems such as insomnia.

Promote digestion: Lycium barbarum is also used to promote digestion and relieve stomach discomfort, especially in traditional Chinese medicine to treat people with weak spleen and stomach.

Lycium barbarum has many applications in life. It can be used as a medicinal material for traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and it can also be used as an ingredient for cooking and diet. The following are some common applications of wolfberry in daily life:

Cooking with ingredients: Goji berries are also a common ingredient that is widely used in Chinese cooking.

It can be used to stew soup, cook porridge, stir-fry, and so on. Goji berries can add color and fragrance to dishes, and can also give the food a special taste. For example, it is often added to chicken soup, lean meat soup, fried rice, and other dishes to increase nutrition and flavor.

Make tea and drink: Dried wolfberry can be used to make tea to make wolfberry tea. Wolfberry tea has the effects of nourishing yin, beautifying, and anti-oxidation, and can be enjoyed as a healthy drink. It can be brewed alone or mixed with other herbs.

Health food: wolfberry can also be used to make some healthy food, such as wolfberry cake, wolfberry candied fruit, and so on. These foods can not only increase the consumption of wolfberry but also combine it with other ingredients to achieve better health effects.

Nutritional supplement: Goji berry is rich in various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can be used as a nutritional supplement. Goji berries can be added to breakfast cereal, yogurt, or as a snack choice to increase nutritional intake.

Beauty and skin care: some beauty products will also add wolfberry ingredients because it has a certain antioxidant and moisturizing effect, which helps to improve the condition of the skin.