Battle Of The Bugs


Plants and crops in nature are facing a great challenge - insect pests. When we face the pest crisis, how should we solve it?

The following are the twelve common types of pests and their control methods:

1. Aphids: Aphids are small insects that often inhabit the leaves and stems of plants, sucking the sap and impeding plant growth. Aphid populations can be controlled through biological methods, such as releasing predatory insects like ladybugs or using organic pesticides for spraying.

2. Powdery Mildew: Powdery mildew is a fungal infection that forms a white powdery substance on plant surfaces, affecting photosynthesis and growth. Control measures include spraying the leaves with organic or chemical pesticides, regularly removing heavily infected leaves, and ensuring proper ventilation.

3. Thrips: Thrips are tiny insects that feed on plant sap, causing damage and wilting of flowers and leaves. Organic pesticides like pepper or onion water can be sprayed on plants, or chemical pesticides can be used to control thrips populations.

4. Slugs and Snails: Slugs and snails are mollusks that feed on plant leaves and shoots, causing significant damage. Physical control methods, such as using barriers to deter slugs and snails, can be employed, along with chemical control if necessary.

5. Ants: Ants can attack plants, particularly flowers, and fruits, and may also spread other insect or fungal diseases. Removing ant nests can prevent them from attacking plants, and chemical options like ant traps or formic acid can be used for control.

6. Ladybugs: Ladybugs are beneficial insects for crops, but their larvae can feed on plant leaves. Balancing the population of ladybugs and other pests is important.

Protecting ladybugs and other beneficial insects helps maintain ecological balance. Avoid the use of toxic pesticides and provide habitats such as flowers and pollen for ladybugs.


7. Lepidoptera: Lepidoptera insects, including butterflies and moths, have larvae that feed on plant leaves, significantly impacting plant growth. Chemical pesticides can be used to control adult and larval populations, and regular removal of infested leaves is recommended.

8. Silkworm Moths: Silkworm moths are pests that feed on mulberry leaves and are particularly problematic in silk production. Control measures involve using chemical pesticides to manage the silkworm moth population and regularly removing infested leaves.

9. Ants: Ants are subterranean pests that invade plant roots, causing damage to the root system and hindering plant growth. Soil treatments can be used to control ant populations, and infected roots should be removed.

10. Spider Mites: Spider mites are tiny arthropods that parasitize plants, sucking the cell juice and causing leaf yellowing and loss. Spray foliage with organic pesticides, improve ventilation, and regularly remove infected leaves.

11. Snake Centipede: Snake centipedes are subterranean pests that attack plant roots, restricting growth. Keeping the soil moist helps reduce the snake centipede population, and infected roots should be removed.

12. Aphid Lice: Aphid lice are small insects that inhabit plant leaves and stems, sucking sap and causing damage and poor growth. Biological control methods, such as releasing predatory insects (like aphid parasitoids), can be used to control aphid lice populations. Chemical pesticides can also be employed.

These pests are commonly found in farmland and horticulture and pose varying threats to plant growth and yield. The method of controlling these pests and harmful organisms should be selected based on the specific situation, considering factors such as environmental impact, effectiveness, and cost.

When using chemical pesticides, it is important to follow proper usage methods and safety practices.

Additionally, implementing sound agricultural management practices, such as appropriate irrigation, fertilizer use, and pest monitoring, plays a crucial role in preventing and controlling these pests and harmful organisms.

Seeking advice from professional agricultural technicians or plant protection experts is recommended for more specific and detailed guidance.